Trigger Point Treatment

Jan 08, 2023
Trigger Point Treatment
If you've been experiencing restricted motion, tender joints, and tender areas in your muscles, this may mean you have a chronic trigger point. These are areas of congested, irritating, inflammatory muscles that can wreak havoc and pain on those areas.

If you've been experiencing restricted motion, tender joints, and tender areas in your muscles, this may mean you have a chronic trigger point. These are areas of congested, irritating, inflammatory muscles that can wreak havoc and pain on those areas.

Deep massage, a visit to the chiropractic, and physical therapy may alleviate some of the discomfort. However, for those really tough areas, a short protocol of weekly trigger point injections may help. The tender areas are identified, then a very minimal amount of pain medicine or muscle relaxant is directed to the center of the trigger point area. A few of these may be just the thing to “break up” the trigger area and release you from the chains of your pain and restricted motion.

Call to find out about our Trigger Point Treatment program and book a No-Cost exam and find out if we can help! 877-380-8520