Joint Pain After Surgery-Here's What You Can Do

Mar 17, 2024
Pain after replacement or other surgery is troubling. Read here to find out about some new medical options.

Pain After Joint Surgery?

Here's What You Can Do….



While some discomfort for a period of time

After joint or orthopedic surgical procedures

Is common and acceptable, persistent and /or

strong levels of pain are not.


While strong and sometimes toxic pain

medications may offer some relief,

some patients face revisions ( a nice way

to say “additional surgery”, excessive periods

of rehabilitation well beyond what was expected.

And, at time, ineffective leaving you with lingering

pain and impaired mobility.





Good News:  There are a number of treatment regimens

Now available that can help that post-surgical pain, offering

relief and return to daily activities quickly … and without

the toxic meds or additional invasive surgery.


Selective nerve blocks and Softwave Tissue Regenerative

Procedures have proven highly successful in saving many

from add’l unwanted surgeries or excessive use of heavy

pain medication and are available at NYC Pain MD.


Check article on this site or call us with any questions.